Did a UFO crash into the Baltic Sea?

In 2011, Swedish divers discovered a baffling object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. One that bears an uncanny resemblance to the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars and makes electrical equipment stop working when you get too close. Say it with me: whaaaat? During an expedition to find an old shipwreck in the summer,… Continue reading Did a UFO crash into the Baltic Sea?

Conspiracy Theories, UFOs

The Black Knight satellite — are aliens watching us?

A persistent UFO conspiracy theory is that there is an alien satellite in orbit around Earth and it's been there for 13,000 years. So what is it? What is its purpose? And is it really there? The Black Knight satellite rose to fame in 1998, when an object was photographed from the International Space Station… Continue reading The Black Knight satellite — are aliens watching us?

Conspiracy Theories, UFOs

Roswell – so it was a cover-up all along

When something crashed at Roswell in 1947, the US military told the media that it was a “harmless, high-altitude weather balloon.” It was revealed decades later that in fact this was a lie, and that the government did engineer a cover-up at Roswell after all… Project Mogul – the truth? In 1947 rancher William ‘Mac’… Continue reading Roswell – so it was a cover-up all along

Conspiracy Theories, Time Travel, UFOs

Did time travellers land in Rendlesham Forest in 1980?

In December 1980, aliens allegedly landed in Rendlesham Forest, England in a triangular spacecraft. Where did these aliens come from? One of the witnesses, Sergeant Jim Penniston, has the answer. Earth. Because they weren’t aliens at all. They were us. Two famous alleged encounters with UFOs in Britain have been dubbed the ‘British Roswell’. The… Continue reading Did time travellers land in Rendlesham Forest in 1980?

Conspiracy Theories, UFOs

Roswell – witness intimidation, suspicious deaths and Majestic-12

The last article I wrote about the Roswell UFO Incident assessed the claims that alien bodies were recovered from the crash sites. Now I’m looking closer at why people believe there was a government cover-up… The Ragsdale burglary and the death of Trudy Truelove Remember Jim Ragsdale? He’s the one who said that he and his girlfriend,… Continue reading Roswell – witness intimidation, suspicious deaths and Majestic-12

Conspiracy Theories

Roswell – were alien bodies really found?

My last Roswell article looked at the events which caused the 1947 incident to become the world’s biggest conspiracy theory. Now I’m looking more closely at the sightings of aliens at the crash site, and alleged alien autopsies… Last time I looked at two people – Glenn Dennis and Jim Ragsdale – who made claims… Continue reading Roswell – were alien bodies really found?

Conspiracy Theories, Mysteries, UFOs

The ‘Real’ Men In Black – Aliens, Majestic-12 or Mirage Men?

For many people, the Men in Black are Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, zapping people’s memories in the popular 1997 comedy and its sequels. For others, Men in Black are a very real threat… For decades, men in black suits, sunglasses and hats have been making house calls to unsuspecting victims, normally those who… Continue reading The ‘Real’ Men In Black – Aliens, Majestic-12 or Mirage Men?

Conspiracy Theories, Mysteries, UFOs

The Roswell UFO Incident – new ‘witnesses’ come forward

In the last article I examined the events of 1947. Now I’m looking at what set Roswell on the road to becoming the biggest and most written-about conspiracy theory in history. The events of 1947 were actually rather… uneventful. Everything died down until UFO researcher Stanton Friedman interviewed Major Jesse Marcel in 1978, who recovered… Continue reading The Roswell UFO Incident – new ‘witnesses’ come forward

Conspiracy Theories, Reviews, TV Reviews, UFOs

TV Review – Dark Skies

In an extra blog for this week, I’m reviewing Dark Skies, a conspiracy theory-based sci-fi series from the 90s, which followed in the footsteps of The X Files but was cancelled before its time. Spoilers ahead. I try to avoid cancelled TV shows unless I know they’ve ended properly, which often means waiting for a show… Continue reading TV Review – Dark Skies

Conspiracy Theories, Mysteries, UFOs

The Roswell UFO Incident – let’s start at the beginning…

Conspiracy theories about the 1947 Roswell Incident are probably the most famous conspiracy theories of all. I'm about to take a look at what is a very complex web of evidence, allegations, tall tales, hoaxes and still-unanswered questions. Roswell is too big a story to tell in one article. Over the coming months, I'll be… Continue reading The Roswell UFO Incident – let’s start at the beginning…