Mysteries, Urban Legends

Who’s to blame for the munchkin suicide in The Wizard of Oz?

There's a reason I've titled the article this way, and it's not what you think. This isn't about who broke the heart of a madly-in-love dwarf actor playing a munchkin in 1939's The Wizard of Oz, leading said actor to dramatically hang himself on set. Because that never happened. No munchkin actor committed suicide while… Continue reading Who’s to blame for the munchkin suicide in The Wizard of Oz?

Conspiracy Theories, Time Travel, Urban Legends

Alleged time traveller Andrew Carlssin disappears – did he go ‘back to the future’?

Do you remember in Back to the Future, Part II, when Old Biff travels back in time and gives his younger self a sports almanac? A book that gives Young Biff knowledge of future sporting victories and allows him to make a fortune? Looks like a similar thing has happened in real life… One of… Continue reading Alleged time traveller Andrew Carlssin disappears – did he go ‘back to the future’?

Monsters, Urban Legends

The truth behind the Christmas monster, Krampus

In every legend, there’s an element of truth. So what is the truth behind the anti-Santa, Krampus? For the uninitiated, Krampus is the half-demon, half-goat companion of St Nicholas whose name derives from the German word Krampen, meaning ‘claw’. He bears horns, fur, fangs and a long tongue, and he carries chains, bells and a… Continue reading The truth behind the Christmas monster, Krampus

Urban Legends

Dark Side of the Mouse – 10 disturbing Disney urban legends

What comes to mind when you think of Disney? The Disney brand is all about fun, innocent, family-friendly entertainment, full of warmth and soul and happy endings. That’s why Disney calls its world-famous theme parks the happiest places on Earth. Grand claims like that are, of course, going to invite naysayers to open the door… Continue reading Dark Side of the Mouse – 10 disturbing Disney urban legends

Urban Legends

Santa Claus crucified by a Japanese department store

Some years back, a Japanese department store — keen to adopt the Western tradition of Christmas — mounted an extravagant display in its window: a smiling Santa nailed to a crucifix. I think somebody got a bit confused... The store’s booboo made Christians rather cross. Cross—get it? Sorry, bad joke. The cultural faux pas is… Continue reading Santa Claus crucified by a Japanese department store

Conspiracy Theories, Time Travel, Urban Legends

Nicolas Cage is a vampire

A few years ago, online entrepreneur Jack Mord made a curious discovery in an album of American Civil War-era portraits — a 140-year-old photograph of Nicolas Cage! According to Mord, the photo is an original carte de visite (a type of small photograph) from circa 1870, taken by Professor G.B. Smith, a Confederate Civil War… Continue reading Nicolas Cage is a vampire

Conspiracy Theories, Urban Legends

Princess Diana’s secret daughter Sarah is the true heir

A real-life game of thrones is upon us. We’ve always believed that Prince Charles is next in line for the throne, followed by his son, Prince William. But it’s come to light that Prince William has an older sister, Sarah, who is the true heir to the Iron — uh — British throne... Diana, Princess… Continue reading Princess Diana’s secret daughter Sarah is the true heir

Mysteries, Urban Legends

Did the ‘Candy Lady’ abduct and murder children in Texas?

In the early 1900s, in a small rural county in Texas, a missing child was finally found — in a ditch, eyes gouged out with a fork, pockets stuffed with sweets. An unsolved mystery at the time, locals today believe the perpetrator was none other than the mysterious ‘Candy Lady’... Over the course of a… Continue reading Did the ‘Candy Lady’ abduct and murder children in Texas?

Conspiracy Theories, Urban Legends

Avril Lavigne is dead

Yup, that’s right. In fact, Avril Lavigne’s been dead for years. A lookalike called Melissa Vandella has been impersonating the Canadian ‘Pop Punk Queen’ since 2002... 2002 was the year Avril Lavigne blew up the teen music scene. Her debut album Let Go was certified 6 x platinum in the US while hitting the number… Continue reading Avril Lavigne is dead

Conspiracy Theories, Urban Legends

Forensic evidence proves Hitler didn’t die in 1945

The official story is that Adolf Hitler, one of evolution’s biggest mistakes, blew his brains out on 30th April 1945. However, recent forensic tests have revealed that the skull we all thought was his was actually a woman’s, lending credence to the theory that he was secretly whisked away to safety... In his subterranean bunker… Continue reading Forensic evidence proves Hitler didn’t die in 1945

Urban Legends

3 of the creepiest photos ever taken — and the stories behind them

Today I’m investigating a frightening home invasion, a phantom hand, and an astronaut displaced in time or space—in the form of three highly mysterious and unexplained photographs... The boy with three arms? See anything weird about this photo shown below? Take a closer look at the topless boy with his tongue out. He’s got his… Continue reading 3 of the creepiest photos ever taken — and the stories behind them

Conspiracy Theories, Million Eyes, Million Eyes - Latest News, News, Short Stories, Urban Legends, Writing

My short story “Paul” has now been published by Storgy Magazine

My short story Paul is now available to read! It was published today by online magazine Storgy. The story is based on a famous pop culture conspiracy theory. The image above (used by Storgy for the publication) is a rather obvious clue as to what that might be, but if you've not heard of it, read the… Continue reading My short story “Paul” has now been published by Storgy Magazine