Conspiracy Theories, Mysteries, UFOs

Britain’s Roswell: The Berwyn Mountain UFO crash

Being unable to see anyone or go anywhere (thank you Covid) has led my girlfriend and I to spend our weekends working on our collaborative novel. And since the novel is a sci-fi set in space with a ton of aliens, I thought I ought to get my head in aliens and space for this… Continue reading Britain’s Roswell: The Berwyn Mountain UFO crash

Conspiracy Theories, UFOs

Roswell – so it was a cover-up all along

When something crashed at Roswell in 1947, the US military told the media that it was a “harmless, high-altitude weather balloon.” It was revealed decades later that in fact this was a lie, and that the government did engineer a cover-up at Roswell after all… Project Mogul – the truth? In 1947 rancher William ‘Mac’… Continue reading Roswell – so it was a cover-up all along

Conspiracy Theories, Mysteries, UFOs

The ‘Real’ Men In Black – Aliens, Majestic-12 or Mirage Men?

For many people, the Men in Black are Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, zapping people’s memories in the popular 1997 comedy and its sequels. For others, Men in Black are a very real threat… For decades, men in black suits, sunglasses and hats have been making house calls to unsuspecting victims, normally those who… Continue reading The ‘Real’ Men In Black – Aliens, Majestic-12 or Mirage Men?