Conspiracy Theories

Does “The Shining” reveal that the Apollo moon landings were faked?

Apparently there’s much more to Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining than we all realised. It’s believed that the film contains a range of clues revealing that the Apollo moon landings were faked. Bonkers, right? Or might the conspiracy theorists be onto something? In my blog “Were the Apollo moon landings faked?” I assessed the footage of… Continue reading Does “The Shining” reveal that the Apollo moon landings were faked?

Conspiracy Theories

NASA is lying to us – the Earth is actually flat

Everybody knows that Planet Earth is a sphere... right? Actually it’s really, really not, and NASA is lying to us all, according to the Flat Earth Society. So what’s the truth? Is the Earth really spherical, or are we all being deceived? Wikipedia calls the Flat Earth Model an “archaic conception of the Earth’s shape… Continue reading NASA is lying to us – the Earth is actually flat